The movie begins with a series of earnest and unnecessary scenes in which his dad sells the farm, his parents split up and he goes to live with his brother in Los Angeles. Considering how many wildly improbable things are going to happen in this movie, it's a little funny how careful they are to explain why he loses track of his parents. Dad goes fishing, and mom gives him the wrong phone number for her friends in Missouri. That's so we understand why he doesn't call them for advice after he picks up the flight bag with the umpteen million dollars in heroin inside.
What happens is, he picks up the wrong bag at the airport. But see if you can follow this. It's one of those over-the-shoulder nylon flight bags. Can you believe that a drug dealer would fill carry-on luggage with millions of dollars in heroin, and then check it? For that matter, assume for the sake of argument that he did check it. Wouldn't he stand right by the chute where the bags come out? Would he let some kid walk away with it? Come on.
Anyway, the kid drives off with his brother, but not before the evil drug dealer gets the license plate. At his brother's home, Hall is shown the little guest cottage out in back that will be his. The cottage is camouflaged as a hedge, and the door opens out of a solid wall of leaves. So, when the drug dealer comes and murders the brother and his wife, he doesn't find the kid because he doesn't think of looking for a house in the hedge.
If that sort of plot touch sounds even just a trifle labored, this whole movie will be one long experience in frustration. Hardly anything can be be lieved - certainly not the scene where the kid is alone and friendless in L.A. and so he goes to a restaurant looking for the girl he met in the plane. She is a waitress. He tells her his life is in danger and he needs her help right now. She puts down a plate of burgers and walks off the job to help him. No sane person should want help from anyone that crazy. No wonder her name is Dizz.